
Thursday, October 6, 2011

iRobot Poster Deconstruction

The most striking thing about this poster is the image of a man, who we assume is the protagonist, just left of centre of the poster. This man wears dark clothing: a leather coat, black top, unbuttoned black shit and grey trousers. He is young, attractive but also denotes the action genre which will attract a certain audience.
The actor’s name ‘Will Smith’ is right next to his figure, which shows the audience that Smith plays the protagonist and he is the highest billed actor. The font colour is black, which contrasts against the brighter background so it is clear to read, and also relates to his dark appearance.
Behind him are hundreds of lines of robots; this suggests their unity and their formation denotes an army. As robots they represent modern technology which adheres to the science fiction genre.
The main title ‘i,Robot’ is in bold capitals and appears metallic. The ‘I’ is slightly larger than the other text which suggests that the film concerns ideas of identity. Beneath this is the tag line ‘One man saw it coming’; this hints at the narrative. The combination of this and the image gives an impression of the conflict that occurs within the plot between humans and robots.
The credits, a staple within film posters, are below both of these. It is less clear but follows the same colour as the title and tag line in order to make it stand out against the background. Overall the poster is simple and not crowded. The science fiction / action genres are identifiable through the colours, font and images within the poster. 

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