
Friday, October 7, 2011

'Blade Runner' Action sequences (Trailer)

Action is one of the principle genres of this film and something that comes across strongly in the trailer. There is a sequence of a woman (one of the replicants) running down a busy, dim, but neon lit street and smashing through a pane of glass. This image is shown from a number of different angles and at one point is shown in slow motion to heighten the drama of the moment. The smashing sound also is loud and emphasises the impact.

Other short action shots are cut between at an increasing pace, for example Deckard being throw around, jumping through the air, chasing his opposition and (for the final shot) screaming in pain. However, these action shots are given tension and meaning by the images that build the layer of threat around each of the characters. Back lighting is used three times on Roy, once from a low angle to create a sense of intimidation and apprehension. The line “Prepare to die!” is heard over the scene where Deckard is being held by one of the replicants (Leon) and images of Deckard armed and wary, and injured create unease and mystery to further entice the audience.

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