
Friday, October 7, 2011

'Gattaca' Poster Deconstruction:

Although there are many different versions of film posters for ‘Gattaca’ this poster best highlights the Sci-fi genre through the use of the biologically accurate photo of a cell. This highlights a key plot theme of scientific development and creates realism, suspending the audience’s disbelief.
The extreme close up on the face draws the focus to the eyes, often considered the windows to the soul –something which is intangible and without biological explanation and therefore an idea which is in conflict with the image below. This idea is a mirror of the film’s narrative. The white background, cut closely around the face and in between the two pictures are symbolic of jail bars which is further connoted by the dual interpretation of the word “cell”.
The protagonist’s expression appears determined and serious; his eyes stare challengingly out of the poster engaging with the viewer. The play with contrasting light and dark across the sides of his face suggest a dual identity or dark secret.
The darkness also reduces the detail within the photo thereby increasing the characters mystery as does the use of blue colouring. Blue is usually symbolic of tranquillity and perhaps this aim of this poster is to subvert this idea.
Blue can also come across as a cold, mechanical colour and in this incidence be indicative of the technology of the dystopian future. This poster has many levels of potential meaning, for this reason it is possible that the poster is aimed at a more intellectual consumer, but overall it teases the viewer enough to make them curious to see the film.

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