
Friday, October 7, 2011

'Gattaca' Webpage Deconstruction

The webpage loads with a half planet, half cell as a counter. This is the ‘Gattaca’ (film) logo and represents both the obstacle and aim of our protagonist in conflict yet united in a circle as a potential metaphor for the narrative. The effect is to imply a futuristic, space feel to the site and when the site is loaded the black around the edge makes the picture the focus.
The cold blue, darkening towards the bottom left, and lots of hard lines make up the background. Again this has a stereotypically futuristic quality as the representation of the future in this film is an era of scientific and technological emphasis. The three main characters are in the mid ground of the picture and are attributed positions in correlation with their importance within the film eg. The protagonist is central, the friend is on the right and behind (right hand man) and the love interest on the left, also behind. The use of layers is to create depth within the image created. A metallic grey double helix runs along the bottom, in the foreground, and holds interesting stills from the film to pique the interest of the viewer.
The Typography on the site is the same metallic grey of the helix, with angular lines and a shadow to create a slightly 3D effect. The background image changes for some of the options at one point becoming the image on the DVD front cover.
The main point of the website is to advertise the rerelease of the DVD (now on Blu-ray too, showing that the producer is keeping the film as current as possible to appeal to the widest range of audience as possible).
There isn’t much interactivity except for the 5 options on the left side, which move with the cursor, they are Buy, Clips (including the trailer), About and Special Features. The site offers extra information and experiences for fans of the films. Along the bottom in the black border are the film acknowledgements as seen on posters. The actors are also credited top left above the title.

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