
Friday, October 7, 2011

'Blade Runner' Key Shots

What is most interesting about the title was that it appears over a dramatic shot which then fades away leaving just the title on a black screen in order for it to stand out.
The use of a striking close up, half in light, half in darkness is displayed here and has many symbolic connotations, particularly for complex characters. Roy’s character veers between evil acts and, if not good then, sympathetic intentions and motivations.
This image is of one of the replicants punching through metal in a moment of fury and violence. The container releases a large plume of smoke, under the cover of which the character escapes. The banging of his hands is synchronous with a raise in tempo and volume of the music giving the moment tremendous power.
This shot was particularly interesting. The protagonist jumps down and lands  running towards the camera, pulling up short and for a moment the audience is allowed a clear view of his facial expression during a sequence that had been fast paced music. In the trailer this shot cuts to black and silence so the audience’s thoughts linger on this image.

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