
Friday, October 7, 2011

'Blade Runner' Poster Deconstruction

The black background of the 'Blade Runner' Poster is in contrast with the red and white stylised writing. It is also symbolic of the presence of darkness both literally and metaphorically throughout the film. The biggest name and attraction of the film is ‘Harrison Ford’ and his name (all capitalised) appears above the title to attract a certain audience. The title stands out due to the red, bold, capitalised typography. The black line that cuts through both lines of the title is stylised and indicative of the clear narrative. It could also highlight the use of the word ‘Blade’ by appearing like a slice through the title. The words a lined with white giving the words a 3D edge. Below the title the white quote and 5 stars from credited film magazine ‘Empire’ gives authenticity to the film and is another hook.
The placement of the faces with the protagonist largest and at the top, draws your eyes to him first. There is contrast between the blue tinged pictures and the coloured/ orangey light creating an interesting dynamic. This could also be symbolic of the good versus evil or antagonistic battle seen in the plot. The burst of orange based colour seems to flare from the lower right hand corner of the images, almost like a burst of light or fire. The artistic style of the poster conforms to the typical posters of the time.
The white lines, implying rain, and shapes of Chinese/ Japanese writing, symbolic of neon lights in streets, builds a picture of the capitalist futuristic yet oppressed city within the narrative. A cultural statement is also being made, in the ‘80’s Japan was ahead in the technology industry and the poster may be a comment on their progression. All the main protagonists and antagonists are represented and their diagonal arrangement draws the eye diagonally from left to right. The faces of the characters are positioned at slightly different angles yet their eyes all stare out of the poster. The gun held by Harrison Ford in his second image lower on the page is a clue as to the ‘Action’ element of the film, the other genres are left as a mystery creating intrigue over the plot.

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