
Monday, October 3, 2011

Genre: Soft Sci-Fi Thriller

After creating our initial broad narrative and the main message of the Teaser Trailer we looked into what specific category our film would fall into.

Research has led us to believe that our narrative fits the genre of Soft Science Fiction.
This is a categorised sub-section of Science Fiction which revolves less around hard science, such as physics, astronomy or chemistry,  but focuses on 'soft' sciences like sociology, physchology and poltical science.

Our narrative is based upon the examination of society, in particular upon the imposition of a totalitarism government which restrains our core freedom - the freedom of speech.

Other conventions of Soft Science Fiction is that is focuses upon "character and society" which is something we aim to emulate within our teaser. SSF also probes areas of "speculative ideas and themes that are not centrally tied to scientific or engineering speculations" just as many of the dystopian films we have deconstructed do.

Another genre we felt our narrative aligned with was the Thriller. Conventions of a Thriller include using suspense, tension and excitement as their main elements. We plan to increase the pace of the editing in our teaser in order to create tension and increase enigmas which would mirror the ambiance of the full length film also, tension is continual built towards a "stressful climax".

The cover-up of important information from the viewer, and fight and chase scenes are common methods in all of the thriller subgenres - we use both of these conventions in our teaser. Tinker. Tailor, Soldier, Spy is a Thriller from which we took the most inspiration.

Just as in our narrative the protagonist of a Thriller is pitted against a problem - "an escape, a mission, or a mystery." In the case of our plot it is that the Rebels led by our protagonist must overthrow/ overcome the restraints of their oppressive society. they wish to effect change.

Horror and action genres often overlap into thriller and this is something we kept in mind when creating the storyboard for our teaser.

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