
Thursday, September 29, 2011

V for Vendetta Poster Deconstruction

The V for Vendetta poster is in the style of war-time propaganda posters, using the colours red, black, green and white, which promote connotations of violence and anarchy.

The main focus of the poster is V, whose eyes are hidden, giving him an air of mystery, and his fist is raised in an iconic image of strength, and the military signal for "attack", which is what he commands the people to do, as the head of the revolution. Above him is one of the taglines of the film, “FREEDOM! FOREVER!”, which further suggests the idea of rebellion against an oppressive force in the film.

V is mainly in black, but beside him is Evey, who is mainly white, and is cradling her head, making her a far more vulnerable figure and indicating that she undergoes trauma during the narrative. They are both larger and above the title, which shows that their relationship and character development is the most important part of the film.

Beneath them is a crowd of people dressed as V, representing the call to revolution that the film represents, and how the governement has removed all identity from the people through censorship. They are above the title, which shows how the notion of the masses revolting against the government is a key idea in the film.

The title is in a white stylistic font, using V's logo as part of the typography. Using the red and white on the black background makes the title stand out, and also continues the connotations of violence and the battle of morality. In our own film poster, we want to use the symbol of our rebellion as part of the typography, and this poster is a particularly effective example of that.

Beneath the title are the credits, and beneath them, in much larger writing, is the release date. This makes the release date stand out and helps the viewer remember it.

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