
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Other Media Theory Applications

Theory of Semiotics
One of the original theorists of semiotics Ferdinand de Saussure created the concept of signifiers within texts which suggest at other meanings and indications behind signs and symbols. It creates a deeper underlying meaning based on the audience's perception of that object.
Signs used can be split into the following categories:

  • ICONIC - literal meaning of the object e.g. an image of a man means the men's toilets
  • SYMBOLIC - arbitrary meaning unrelated to what it is representing, but which is learnt and denotes a certain meaning e.g. chemical signs
  • INDEXICAL - an indication of a meaning e.g. chess pieces in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy indicate that the narrative is a game. To read more click here.
Our rebel symbol is a symbolic sign of anarchy and the fight for freedom of speech. To read more on our symbol research click here. 

Theory of Audience
Appealing to a target audience is central to the creation of any media text. Audience demographic can be split up into six main sections: Age, gender, family, money, sexuality and education. We believe our target audience are between the ages of 18-30, are male, interested in thriller books and movies, are middle class, and are educated to a higher level.
We are appealing to a niche audience due to the high brow content of our trailer. Audience theory also states that media has a preferred reading where the audience recieves the media in the intended way. Adherrant decoding is where the audience reads the text in the incorrect way, but not neccesarily with a negative effect. In this way our text may be recieved positvely by a female audience to the same extent as male reception, for example.

Hyperdermic Needle Effect (1930s)
The Hyperdermic Needle Theory assumes that an audience will passively recieve any message presented to them and this message immediatly effects them. It states that the public cannot escape from the media's influence and vulnerable to it in this way. In this way, it believes that media is an invasive force in our lives. To some extent this applies to the presentation of our trailer, as the message we present is the importance of freedom of speech and we would hope this would affect our audience. It also applies to our narrative, where the media the government presents is recieved and accepted by a majorly passive audience (excluding the rebel force).

Uses and Gratification Theory (1974)
Uses and Gratification Theory attempts to define why audiences seek out particular media content. It states that people will attempt to find media that will meet their needs and also enchance their knowledge, improve personal relationships and a knowledge of personal indentity but also provide escapism or catharsis. It, as a contrast to Hyperdermic Needle Effect, assumes that the audience has an active role in how they use and intepret media.
The theory applies to our trailer as one of the aims of our genre is to provide escapism through a alien or parallel society. The audience would experience the action of the film and catharsis would be acheived because the action and emotion of the film would provide cleansing. It might also effect personal identity in the audience's own perception of goverment control and the need for freedom of speech and mass media.

To read our evaluation question on audience, click here.

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