
Thursday, February 23, 2012


Social stage theory dictates that if we are setting our film in an opressed city then the "look" of the locations should be urban and to draw parallels with the corruption of the society; it should be "grungy" and dilapidated, hence why we chose the carpark. The grey cement walls, low key lighting and enclosed feel allowed us to explore the "jungle" metaphor of the city.


We filmed our shot of the rebel headquarters in an old warehouse used to store farm machinery; the open-plan setup of the barn is juxtaposed with our other locations, reflecting the liberty the rebels are trying to attain. Having the old workbench and machinery around, along with the smashed window and dusty filing cabinets gives the idea that the rebels find safety in the remnants of the 'old world'. We also used differents lights to try and create the yellow light that was in the carpark stairwell, which threw strong, striking shadows and gave an interesting shot when we filmed from high angles.

We wanted to explore how the corruption of the government has invaded every aspect of the lives of the public; this is why we chose to have shots of the speech being shown in the pub and the school hall. The school especially highlights the loss of privacy and the corruption of knowledge, as schools are generally perceived to be safe and secure places.

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