
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Evaluation Question Two

Question Two:

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Politicians David Cameron and Nick Clegg, and our politician, the antagonist
We subverted the conventions of our genre by using a young politician as our antagonist. We felt that this was effective as it provides a link between our antagonist and our protagonist, who is also young. Having our protagonist and antagonist as the same age meant that the characters were much more easily comparable. This helped to develop the narrative and opens up room for interpretation of our trailer.
Our protagonist, the 'rebel' leader

Our final poster
Our poster continued the theme of opposition between our protagonist and antagonist from our trailer. We continued this through positioning the two characters on either side of the poster, with the title and tagline between them. The tagline of the poster is also featured in the trailer, maintaining continuity between our main product and our ancillary texts. The use of bold writing and dull/dark colours in our poster gives it an industrial feel and continues from the feel of our trailer, which is conforming to the genre of soft sci-fi. We also wanted to show the elements of the thriller genre from our trailer on our poster, so we looked at thriller posters such as that from "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy". We also wanted to continue the political elements within the narrative, taking inspiration from the poster for "The Ides of March" and the artwork from the cover for the U2/Greenday single "The Saints Are Coming". Our initial ideas, however, focused too much on the political elements of the narrative and could have been misconstrued as presenting the narrative as a political drama due to the inclusion of the Union Jack. We resolved this issue by placing our characters on either side of the poster and using the spiral staircase in the background rather than a flag.

Our website's homepage

Our Rebel homepage

Our Government homepage
Our website was key in continuing the theme of opposition between our trailer's protagonist and antagonist. The Government homepage features a copy of the speech that is heard in the trailer and the Rebel homepage features an invitation to join "the resistance". This develops the narrative by continuing the development of the two opposing groups in our trailer. We wanted to give the resistance an identity as the underdog resistance against an oppressive, totalitarian, government such as that in Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty-Four". Maintaining the feel of the narrative through the poster and the website combines with the style of the trailer successfully.

The combination of our main product and our ancillary texts is very effective as we were able to maintain continuity in the style of our trailer, poster and website. By keeping the feel of our soft sci-fi thriller narrative, the main product and our ancillary texts conform to the style of our chosen genre.

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