
Monday, March 12, 2012

Montage Editing

Click here to view our Initial Trailer Montage

This opening News Montage was inspired by the opening of the 'Gattaca' trailer .
- a collection of fast edited images and
- overlapping voiceover
- creates a social context for the film's focus debate.

Although we were very proud of this version it was pointed out that the clips felt too documentary similar to programmes/sequences created by Adam Curtis. (Here is an example of his documentary style)

This decision was made in response to audience feedback.

After this we edited our montage:
- increasing the pace,
- overlapping and merging the over-voice more and
- only emphasising key phrases.

We cropped our first image of the BBC presenter to her mouth down to shoulders. The reduced amount of her face that can be seen establishes her as a vehicle to present our themes rather than an important character. Some shots were removed altogether to increase the fluidity of the message and the build of pace.

We looked again at the Gattaca trailer and conventions of our soft-scifi and dystopian genre. A bluy-grey colour scheme is frequently used to mirror the oppression of authority and we used this throughout our montage, deviating only to create dramatic contrast with shots containing fire which we added the 'Heat wave' effect to.

We also experimented with brightness, saturation and contrast to create the right ambiance of a fractured futuristic society.

Not only is the montage now shorter, with faster editing which creates drama, it has a more filmic quality.

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